Hello, Y'all!
Last week Alec shared the process of how he designed my engagement ring, and I thought it was only fitting to share how he proposed!
Flashback to early April, we discussed my birthday weekend, and Alec requested to set aside my actual birthday evening for a picnic. He knew I usually make dinner plans with my parents on my birthday, so he wanted everyone to know he wanted to do a date night, so I did birthday festivities early in the weekend instead of Sunday, April 18th.
My mind was starting to shift toward thinking this birthday picnic could be something more, but Alec proceeded to tell me that the jeweler he met with on April 1st didn't work out, that he was trying but "hadn't even picked a jeweler yet." All little lies!! He had asked my dad the week before, so come to find out, everyone knew but me. He was able to surprise me completely!
Flash forward to Sunday, April 18th. We had gone to church and lunch at his parents' house like we do every week, then I went home to hang out and get ready for date night. He told me early in the week that he wanted to do a proper date night and dress up, so my sweet momma got me a new birthday dress to wear. Once it was time to go on our picnic, Alec picked me up and took me out towards our favorite spot on the hunting land. Also, the place that we had first said I love you about a year before. Once we got close, he blindfolded me. With music playing in the background from my birthday present, a portable Bose speaker (also how he kept me from hearing the photographer moving around in the bushes), he took me by the hand up to the picnic setup, the cutest blue and white picnic ever. I remember sitting there eating my chicken salad sandwich and thinking, "Dang, this is the best birthday date ever; I am so lucky. How is he going to top this when he proposes." And then he got a "spam phone call" (He had my friend and photographer Erin under Spam Caller in his phone.) He didn't answer the phone call (It was his queue to know they were in position.) but pulled me over into the middle of the field and started telling me how much he loved me, and then he went down on one knee and asked me to marry him! Then Erin popped out the bushes, and we took engagement photos right then and there. I was and still am on cloud nine! Once we finished the picnic and the photos, we headed back to his parent's house to tell them. My parents were already there with some bubbly and cookies to toast as a family.
I feel like life has been a whirlwind ever since! Currently in the best season ever; I can't wait to marry Alec next April!

Eating Brie and not know what was about to happen...

Yes I totally ugly cried.

When I saw Erin pop out of the bushes!

Photos by Erin Daniel Photography