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Goodbye Fleur De Lis

Hello Y'all

As many of you may know, Southern'spirations has pivoted. Our Fleur De Lis booth has been officially closed for one week. I thought I would take a moment to honor the season of the little booth. In April 2019, my mom and I opened Southern'spirations as a retail endeavor featuring her upcycled furniture, decor items, and my first collection of watercolor prints. (Feeling nostalgic? You can read all about the booth opening here)

That first month of being open I got to my first custom commission and collaboration project. That little booth is where I gained confidence in my art form and a customer base that I will never take for granted. I am so grateful to Fleur De Lis and my customers. We made it past months of being closed for COVID and the financial instability that season created for everyone. I felt the love and support from every single one of you.

And so, taking everything down last week wasn't easy but I had peace in knowing that everything is a season, and as good as the Fleur De Lis season was, the Lord has another great season ahead! And I encourage you, in times of uncertainty or change, to lean on the Lord and trust in the path He has set for you!

2019 vs now of Southernspirations
2019 vs now of Southernspirations

So now what?

The shop is online! Everything has been organized and moved into the studio, which has relieved a ton of my stress (Thank you Lord for always knowing what I need.)

We officially have studio pick-up! My loving husband and I made the cutest Pickup box for all our local friends who still want to purchase Southern'spirations sercies. Select Southernspirations Studio at check out for free Pick Up!

Southernspirations Studio Pick Up Box
Southernspirations Studio Pick Up Box

I am working on new collections, restocking old favorites, and other fun projects. To stay in the loop, make sure you are an email subscriber and following us @southernspirations


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