Hello Y'all
April Local Spotlight coming in hot or iced...depending on how you like your coffee! Let me introduce you to a staple in our household Cashua Coffee Roasters. Growing up in a Maxwell house, I thought all coffee tasted the same unless flavored and didn't know anything about coffee, past knowing I liked it with cream and sugar. But when I moved to Hartsville, I was introduced to Cashua Coffee Roasters and learned quickly that comparing locally roasted coffee to grocery store coffee was like comparing apples to oranges. And trust me, in this case, apples are so much better. The freshness, the aroma, the flavor!!! Now when I travel, I love to try coffee shops that support their local roasters. I may be slightly basis, but nothing compares to Cashua Coffee Roasters. We keep the Columbia or the Nicaragua roast stocked at our coffee station at all times. And as my husband said last month, " We are out of coffee, this is bad!"
Continue reading to learn more about Cashua Coffee Roasters as we ask owner and roaster Luke Hudson about his passion for coffee, favorite roast, and how he takes his coffee!
"Some of life's greatest conversations have been shared over a cup of coffee and to be able to be a part of that is awesome."
What do you sell or services do you provide?
Fresh Roasted Single Origin Coffee
What was the push or moment that made you take the leap of faith and purchase Cashua Coffee Roasters?
After working in the coffee shop business for 6 years, I saw a big opportunity to be able to go deeper and learn more about a product that I really have fallen in love with. The ability to be able to take that next step in crafting our own roast just gives us a super unique product!
Where does your passion for coffee come from?Â
I have always enjoyed creating things and meeting people. The coffee business is just that. Some of life's greatest conversations have been shared over a cup of coffee and to be able to be apart of that is awesome.
What is the biggest lesson you have learned while running Cashua Coffee?
Every business has its own challenges, but i would say Cashua has taught me that most problems can't be solved in a day. Good things take time. In our "one click away culture", it is easy to become inpatient when things are not up to your standard. Whether is be taking to time for proper equipment maintenance or selecting just the right roast process for a certain bean, learning patience has been a huge lesson for me.
What's your favorite roast? And why?
In the roasting world there are many terms for roast including city, full city, full city plus and french roast. My personal favorite is a Colombian bean taken to full city(medium). It is an extremely versatile bean so whether you like cream and sugar or just black it is smooth with a generous caffeine content to get you going! There are coffee offerings all over the world, but my personal opinion nobody grows a better crop than Colombia.
What is your preferred way to drink coffee? Hot, cold, espresso, cold pressed, etc
I love it all. Cold brew, double shot espresso or just a regular pot in the morning to share withe the family!
Do you have any current specials, launches, or offers you would like to share?
Last year we started doing some white labeling with some people around the state and it has been a blast! Basically if you want your own coffee brand you can come to us and we help you pick and source your roast to sell, get the packaging that you like, roast and produce your product for you to sell. If anyone has any questions on how to partner with us through our white label program feel free to reach out!
Where can we find you?
We ship nationwide and you can find all our offerings at www.cashuacoffee.com or connect with us on Facebook or Instagram!