Hello Y'all!
Several weeks ago my sweet friend Rachel and fellow blogger of This Life from the Heart told me about her vision to create a Random Acts of Kindness campaign. Rachel is passionate about making the world a better place with one act of kindness at a time, and her passion is contagious! I immediately jumped at the chance to help. During this time of Thanksgiving let us all show compassion for our neighbor and share the blessings we have been given.

“No act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted.” ― Aesop
During the holiday seasons, I see more and more people showing negativity and rudeness to others due to the stress of all the hustle and bustle that holidays can bring on. I want to change that, and I need your help. Let’s spread kindness around to ALL that we come in contact with. Yes, I said all because being kind to those people who make it so very difficult is the most important. Sometimes, it can be the littlest things that genuinely make a difference in someone’s life.
Rachel and I want to include you on this fun activity as we complete any different random acts of kindness over the next few weeks! So for the two weeks leading up to Thanksgiving, we challenge each of you to print these Random Acts of Kindness cards out and use all of them to scatter a little bit of kindness everywhere you go. We have curated a list of 25 different acts of service you can do, but the options are truly limitless. Whatever you do with these cards, know you will be brightening someone else day and maybe even changing their whole outlook on things.
