Hello, Y'all!
Do you have a little cousins, sisters, brothers, grandkids, nephews, nieces or any other kids to buy for? Well, then this guide is for you! I collected my top picks for kids ranging from educational toys to cozy sweaters! And it is a bit of a long list. The guide is broken into several age groups, so it is perfect for any of your young'ins. And we all know kids outgrow clothes and toys so everything is under 100 dollars and most of the items are under 50 dollars. Now go spoil those sweeties without hurting your bank account too much!
Ages 0-2 gifts:
{WubbaNub Reindeer Pacifier}{Muslin Swaddle Blankets}{Infantino Gaga 3-in-1 Activity Walker}{Baby Jack Rogers}
{Infantino Merry Movers Cars}{VTech Chomp and Count Dino}{Zany Zoo}{Polar Bear Sweater}{One the Nice List PJs}{Grey Tiara Infant Cap}
Ages 3-5 gifts
{Star Necklace}{Beauty and the Beast tea set}{LightSaber}{Kitchen}{Alphabet}{Hunter Boots}{LeapFrog}{Fisher-Price Hedgehog}
Ages 6-8 Gifts:
{Build Your Own Terrarium}{Kano Pixel Kit}{Jack Roger Boots}{Monster tshirt}{Unicorn Onesie}{Razor Scooter}{ALEX DIY Knot-A Shark}
Happy Shopping!