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Giving Thanks - 2017


Hello, Y'all!

Everyone seems to be focused on the big sales and the large plate of food the end of the week is sure to bring. But what about the meaning behind the Thanksgiving holiday? It's an opportunity to stop and take time to truly appreciate the life we have been blessed with and actually give thanks! Thanksgiving has seemingly become more about the turkey and the thanks has been lost. I, too, get distracted by the details and the traditions, but lately I have been trying to redirect my focus to what I am thankful for this year and oh my, there is so much!

To start, I am thankful for my family. We have been through a lot this year, but together we stand strong. I'm tremendously thankful for the love and support my parents and family have given me this year and each and every year before it. I would not be the woman I am today without them. Thank you all for the laughs especially between the times of tears and for teaching me to always look at the glass half full.

This year would not have been the same without John Michael. I have been so fortunate to find my other half. A man that supports my dreams and is so gentle with my heart. I am so thankful for the adventures we have had this year, the ones we have planned and the ones we haven't thought of yet.

I am thankful for my sweet animal babies. Eloise and Luna are two peas in a pod and bring so much joy. I cannot stay stressed, sad, or grumpy when I look into their eyes and enjoy our many sweet snuggle sessions.

Southern'spirations and blogging this year has brought me so many new experiences and friendships that I can't help but be thankful for. This creative outlet has turned into a passion and has driven me past my comfort zone. I'm so grateful for what it has brought and the endless possibilities that it holds.

As silly as it may sound, I'm thankful for my apartment. That I have access to hot water, electricity, and all the comforts of life. I am thankful that I live in a community that is safe and that I can rest easy at night. It's easy to overlook what may seem like simple things, like a safe apartment, but not everyone has that luxury and I count it as one of my blessings.

Each day is filled with people and things that I am thankful for, and the blessings mentioned above just scratch the surface!

So before you fill your plate up with turkey, I challenge you to take a moment and think about what you are thankful for this year.

Blessings from Birmingham!

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